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30 June 2011

Visit the Buxton Memorial Fountain

Often forgotten in an area full of memorials, The Buxton Memorial Fountain stands in Victoria Gardens, just South of the Houses of Parliament. It was constructed in 1834 to celebrate the emancipation of slaves in the British Colonies.

Designed by Samuel Sanders Teulon, the fountain was commissioned by Charles Buxton MP, son of anti-slavery campaigner Thomas Fowell Buxton, and originally stood in Parliament Square.

When, in 1949, the Government put forward a scheme to redesign Parliament Square, the fountain had to be moved, and following a campaign by the Anti-Slavery Society, it was moved to the Gardens in 1957.

For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buxton_Memorial_Fountain


  1. I know the memorial, but had no idea that it was originally in Parliament Square...

  2. I have yet to visit London. It is definitely on my bucket list. Thanks for the peek into the city.
