From the moment you get out of view of the hideous Westfield Centre, topped by an ugly Holiday Inn, the park is beautiful in places and oddly exposed in others. It's hard to know what to expect from a multi-billion pound investment, and perhaps this jumble of temporary venues isn't quite what your author would have spent the money on, but with the landmarks of Central London on the horizon, the beautiful flowers lining the riversides, the perfect queues and the vague disquiet amongst visitor that the only ale available was a can of John Smith's, it was hard not to feel full of patriotism.
For more detailed and useful information about the Park, visit the always-excellent http://diamondgeezer.blogspot.co.uk/
I agree, it does instil a sense of patriotism when there and even more so when reflecting on what has been achieved. I think you have to be impressed by the sheer scale of the park, it is absolutely massive! And I would rather temporary venues than, for example, a handball arena that will never be used again. Let's face it, it's hardly a sport that is likely to catch on in this country, as fantastic as it is to watch.
ReplyDeleteThanks Claire. I agree, up to a point...as the Handball Arena is pne of the few venues to actually be permanent - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper_Box
ReplyDeleteThanks Tom. Glad you enjoyed your experience. The link and tips very useful. On our free excursion of the park in May the emphasis was very much on legacy and accountability (and how many bananas the athletes will consume). Only time will tell. Fascinating TV documentary recently on the construction of the stadium too. We don't often get the chance to gloat about success. Let's enjoy it while we can!