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11 March 2011

See Queen Elizabeth's Oak

The remains of Queen Elizabeth's Oak lie in the heart of Greenwich Park. Probably planted around the 12th century, this great old tree has an interesting history and legend has it that Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn danced around it, while the young prince Elizabeth looked on.

It has always been a key part of the park, and a plaque beneath it records that it may have once been used as a lock up for those who broke park rules. It probably died in the 19th century but remained supported by ivy until 1991, when it collapsed.

The association of the site with royal oaks was, however, maintained, when a new oak was planted beside it by Prince Phillip in 1992. For more information, see the excellent Greenwich Phantom.

1 comment:

  1. It's the little things like these that make us realize just how grand London is, and how little we are in its history. I'm always very impressed when I stand in places that Kings and Queens used to hang out at.

    Thanks for sharing!
