As famous for the variety of their films as for their wallet-friendly pricing, the Prince Charles Cinema, on Leicester Place, WC2, specialises in repertory films, which are off general release, meaning that they pay less to show them and pass the savings on to customers.

The cinema, which also shows newer films, was built in the 1960s, but has existed in its current form since 1991, having apparently formerly been a West End Theatre and a naughty lady cinema. It even apparently has its own ghost.
Whilst tickets are a normal-for-outside-London £5.50 - £10, you can reduce this substantially by becoming a member (
£16 £10 per year or £50 for life), which reduces ticket prices to £1.50 - £6, and it is the loyal fans who are the the lifeblood of the Prince Charles. The cinema is also home to the Sing-a-long-a Sound of Music, and Sing-a-long-a Rocky Horror Picture Show nights, but more on that another time.
For more, including timings and tickets, see^Picture by renaissancechambara^
Don't bother trying to call them though, they never pick up the phone. Book online or in person.