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2 March 2010

Drink in the Cittie of Yorke

Your author hasn't mentioned a Sam Smiths pub for some time, so let's end the drought with a look at the Cittie of Yorke, on High Holborn, a Grade II listed inn on a site that dates back to 1430.

The current pub was largely rebuilt in the 1920s but it is still a warren of different rooms and alcove and the cellar bar is particularly atmospheric, though the high ceilinged main bar, known as the Henekey's long bar, is well worth a look.

The pub is listed in CAMRA's national inventory of historic pub interiors and features include a late-Georgian or Regency era metal stove and Victorian cubicles, which we are told were were originally used by lawyers in consultation with clients (and probably still are from time to time).

For more on the Cittie of York, see here.

^Picture by Matthew Black^


  1. Ah, this is going on the list. Thanks for putting it up!

  2. Ha - a lovely memory from my law student days at the Inns of Court School of Law in Gray's Inn whose entrance is to the right of this pub. To fellow members of Gray's it was known as "The annexe". Happy days!

  3. It's a pleasure doreen and that is fascinating elegance, but not a surprise. All the law types I know love a drink!

    Thanks for your comments.


  4. A worthy post: great pub, and as it's Sam Smiths, great prices as well. Always an added bonus!

    My father introduced me to the Cittie of Yorke years ago. I now have the pleasure of working nearby...
