Another Peyton and Byrne establishment (their empire seems larger the more you look) it's well designed and is a good place to get a drink even if you're not tempted by any of the cultural offerings in the Institute itself. Time Out describes the bar as 'very much a bar, and a well-stocked, artily cool, late-opening one at that'. That's probably overstating it a bit, but it's very pleasant.
Thankfully, the ICA has also now dropped the ridiculous (though local authority imposed) £2 entry charge for the café and the bar which was in place until last year, and consequently entry to the bar is now free, as in any rational establishment (though drinks are still charged for). So if you're in the area and fancy a drink remember that this exists. It's too easy to get drawn into the Chandos or that Wetherspoons on Whitehall.
The ICA Cafe Bar is open Monday: 12 noon to 11pm, Tuesday - Saturday: 12 noon to 1am, and Sundays 12 noon to 10.30pm. For more information visit http://www.ica.org.uk/ICA%20Bar%20and%20Café%3B+15176.twl.
Click here to see the location on a map.
Peyton and Byrne have just taken over the franchise for food at the British Library. To judge by their excellent steak and kidney pies - with real suet - their empire will be expanding even more.