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25 January 2010

Learn Scottish Dancing

Two Scottish articles in two days, but it is Burns Night. And the London Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, celebrates its 80th Anniversary in 2010. As part of the celebration, alongside their usual dances and classes, they are holding a Weekend School, a Tea Party, an extra midweek dance and an anniversary ball to mark the occasion.

Every week, the society runs a wide range of classes for all abilities across the London area. There are also classes and dances for young people. Their prize-winning London Branch demonstration team can also provide displays of Scottish dance for your function if you would prefer that. Some events are held at St Columbas Church Hall, Pont Street, Knightsbridge, but there are a wide range of locations.

For information on the range of classes and locations available, click here, or for more information on the London Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, visit http://www.rscdslondon.org.uk/

^Picture (of an Edinburgh dance, rather than a London one) by twistyfoldy.net^


  1. Is this something everyone should learn?

  2. I wouldn't say everyone should learn it Matias, but it may be fun to have a go.

    Why not go along and see what you think?
