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22 January 2012

Attend the Willesden Green Wassail

Begun way back in the midsts of time in 2010, the Willesden Green Wassail is part of the ancient midwinter tradition of blessing apple trees in order to ensure a good crop of cider apples later in the year.

Rather than the usual natural blessing, we are told that the Willesden Wassail focuses its attention on the food-sources of the urban landscape, giving attention to local shopkeepers including butchers, bakers, grocers and fishmongers.

 Potential participants should gather at Willesden Green Tube Station at 2.15pm, and learn a traditional Wassail chant to sing as they walk down the High Street. For more, see https://www.facebook.com/events/161518433944920/

^Picture © tnarik used under Creative Commons^

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom, thank you so much for blogging about my little Wassail.
    Much appreciated. Everyone had a lovely day singing to butchers and listening to poets on streetcorners.
    You can see a few pictures on my page at http://on.fb.me/rachelrosereid and a little blog about why on earth it happens at: http://bit.ly/poejazziwassail

