Outside London it may be, but TfL runs buses to Box Hill, overlooking Dorking in Surrey, and it is a very popular spot with Londoners seeking a bit of countryside. This year, the National Trust is marking 100 years since it was given Box Hill by local man Leopold Salomons, and though the views from its 735 ft peak have changed slightly over that time, they retain much of the green space which was once popular with donkey riders arriving at the top.
The National Trust tells us that 850,000 people visit the Hill each year, and there were plenty making the walk to the top as your author climbed up through brown leaves and green yew trees towards the top.
For more, see
^Picture © Chris Downer used under a Creative Commons license^
The NT also has a really challenging hike waymarked at the top. I want to say it was 8 miles, but it had a lot of really sharp, steep climbs and a pub halfway through. Really enjoyable.