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28 July 2014

Find books about town

In the latest offering by Wild in Art, the company that brought us the Elephant Parade & those Wenlock and Mandeville sculptures, and are due to fill London with even more buses in September, Books about Town's Bookbenches involve 50 book sculptures, decorated by by local artists and more famous ones, in association with the National Literacy Trust.

It's all designed to make us think about reading and books, which can't be a bad thing, and books are strategically placed in tourist hotspots, with clusters in Greenwich, Bloomsbury, the City & Bankside encouraging us to see a number at a time as part of a trail. But best of all, unlike their predecessors these sculptures area also benches, offering a great opportunity for a nice sit down.

For more, see http://www.booksabouttown.org.uk/

^Picture © Maureen Barlin used under a Creative Commons license^


  1. Unfortunately the number of remainder book shops in London is steadily dwindling. The two directly over the road from the British Library are no longer. Greenwich used to have four, but now only one remains, although there is an abundance of excellent quality books on a range of subjects at very reasonable prices. Maybe I should cover this on my own blog http://www.bloominglondon.blogspot.co.uk/

  2. Fabulousa. My little boy and I did the elephant trail and have been hoping for something similar to do, this is great. Def going to do one of these trails. Thanks for the info.
