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9 May 2012

Book a London at Dawn Photography Tour

One morning last month, your author rose at an ungodly hour to spend some time at the invitation of professional photographer Anthony Epes and black cabbie & certified tour guide Nick Mortimore touring the City of London. Joined by a small but determined ragbag team of London writers and journalists, it was an interesting way to observe the City as it woke to face another day.

Unlike many such things, the tour was both interesting and rewarding, with Mortimore a very knowledgeable London guide with plenty of information and London insight - gleaned from 25 years driving London's streets from North to South - and Epes brimming over with photography skills. The tour left Tower Pier and made its way up past the Tower of London and on into the City, past Bevis Marks and the Gherkin, and off towards Spitalfields before your author had to break away to bike into work.

Yes, the tours are expensive, and yes you have to get up whilst it's still dark and travel across London as the birds are only just beginning to stir, but seeing London in the early morning is a great experience, and often motivating oneself to do so needs a reason, so it helps to have the passion and interest that Mortimore and Epes offer in bags.

For more on their tours, see http://www.londonatdawn.com/


  1. Spending a £185 to see London in the wee early hours of the morning is outwith my budget.

    My favourite time to walk along the River Thames is in the Winter months, 10pm onwards... I will have to drag myself out of bed for a early monring stroll one of these fine days.

  2. Now that sounds like fun...of course I am partial to photography!
