Though it is a good many years since your author stayed at the Hospital, it still has a place in his heart, and was a particularly enchanting place to stay, in a thoroughly interesting corner of the country. The centre of the Hospital remains a chapel and family legend tells of everyone searching high and low for your author before eventually finding him happily reading sat on the floor of the pulpit at the chapel, such was the peaceful serenity of the setting.
For more, see http://www.landmarktrust.org.uk/search-and-book/properties/beamsley-hospital-5014
Was it a hospital or an alms house? Or do the two terms refer to the same institution?
ReplyDeleteHi Hels, It seems it was an almshouse, but the term 'hospital' hasn't always been as rigidly defined as it is now. Early hospitals - in the days before medicine really existed as we know it - included almshouses, places for pilgrims to stay and all that sort of thing. Basically places where hospitality was given.